

Start: 01-12-2018 – End: 31-03-2020
Project Reference: 602243-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA

Programme: Erasmus+
Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Capacity Building for youth in ACP countries, Latin America and Asia

– The Big Van Theory
Corporación Parque Explora
Associazione Adamas Scienza

The Big Van Theory (TBVT) is one of the most recognized groups in the field of science communication and outreach in Spanish language through the arts and social media. TBVT is a group of active scientists and researchers with the clear objective of transforming scientific culture into an attractive product for different types of public. Since 2013 we have “story-told” the most advanced science in an affordable and entertaining way, using humour as a tool for connecting with the audience, getting on the stage, doing radio and television, writing books and doing training workshops in Spain, Europe and in Latin America. All TBVT members and their science communication events encompass and emphasize the objective of reaching out to young people and promoting science education and science careers. Our work has been recognized by many organizations including the European Commission, UNESCO and Latin American Ministries of Science and Technology. TBVT combine science, humour and arts to increase public interest in science and technology. In addition, we are convinced that science, built from cooperation and equality, must be the main tool for the progress of humanity. That is why we are advocates of the principles of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), which include gender equality, the promotion of a critical spirit and the inclusion of all parts of society in the scientific process, as no one should to stay out of the benefits offered by new scientific advances. In this line we work to promote scientific culture and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) vocations, with a special focus on female scientific vocations and in areas with greater risk of social exclusion. 

TBVT’s mission is to engage people with STEM topics as part of their general culture, inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers, and to strengthen the connection between researchers and the public. 

Helena González Burón, PhD

She is co-founder, director and active science communicator and trainer in TBVT, specialized in performing techniques. She holds a PhD in biomedicine and a diploma in Theater studies. She has been at the interface of between schools, research centres, public and industry. She started in the field of Science Communication in 2009, and, since then, she has coordinated and executing international cooperation projects related to gender equality in science and technology, becoming an expert in participatory processes including female challenges and interests in science. She has participated as a teacher in Science Communication training courses all around Europe and Latin America, and has been involved as a consultant in the communication and dissemination strategies of many Universities and entities, such as Universitat de Barcelona, Universidad de Salamanca and National Geographic-Spain. 

Oriol Marimon Garrido, PhD

He holds a PhD in biophysics. He has been the Perform project manager (no. 665826, funded under H2020-EU.5.a.) at TBVT, co-designing and implementing the interactive and self-mobilization participatory educational methodology based on performing arts. He design and deliver training courses for the oral communication of science as an associated professor in universities such as the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (Spain), the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente (Guadalajara, Mexico), or the National University of Costa Rica, among others. He is co-founder and active science communicator in TBVT, specialized in clown and storytelling techniques. As a science communicator trainer, he has developed a solid experience in mediation with young people and has organized numerous science activities with various audiences to publicize scientific knowledge.