
From 12th to 23th June 2017
EMBL Campus in Monterotondo

High School Students, Researchers

20 Students


The first edition of “Summer in Science” – the International Summer School organised at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) Campus in Monterotondo – Rome, buds off years of research, development and validation of effective and innovative actions aimed at supporting scientific culture in young generations.

“Summer in Science” organised by Adamas Scienza in collaboration with the EMBL, will host 20 4th-year Italian upper secondary school students within the EMBL Research Campus in Monterotondo (RM).

The main goals of the project are:

  • Promote awareness of how science works and consolidate scientific literacy and knowledge
  • Develop skills through an integrated theoretical and practical approach carried out in a laboratory setup
  • Promote team work and a critical approach towards the scientific information provided by the media
  • Explore the most recent techniques and methodologies used in research, and foster a positive perception of the relations between Science and Society
  • Support Career Orientation and Development and provide opportunities to improve language and relational skills within an international research context.

“Summer in Science” features some unique and distinctive elements which highlight its value compared to other formative scientific experiences available to Italian students:

    • Students are trained in laboratory practices with effective methodology and innovative approaches validated by expert science educators at Adamas Scienza. This Phase 1 training empowers the students with self-confidence and autonomy, which will enable them to actively participate to the real laboratory experience of the second week. The formative process is therefore comprehensive and leaves the students highly qualified at the end of the two-week program.
    • Recruitment of experts from EMBL and other public and private entities supporting the Summer School, adds value to this program and inspires our students towards science careers.
    • Summer School placement within the context of an International Research Campus allows us to implement a high profile scientific program, contributed by eminent scientists and offering access to complex and highly specialized infrastructures.

All the above are key elements that make the Summer School an ideal model to promote scientific culture and to nurture our excellent students, with considerable impact and international visibility.

For more details about Summer in Science please download the Brochure



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